Arbeitswelt Germany

AGS Welt is a dynamic multinational conglomerate with its headquarters based in Berlin, Germany. As a dedicated group of companies, AGS Welt operates across various domains and sectors, specializing in recruitment, consultancy, and legal support pertaining to employment matters, business establishment abroad, skilled migration and academic pursuits. Since its inception, AGS Welt has been committed to facilitating individuals in realizing their career aspirations and ambitions in the European Union and beyond.

The acronym AGS stands for "Arbeit" (Employment), "Geschäft" (Business), and "Studium" (Study). This website focuses on the Arbeitswelt. Since 2015, AGS Welt has been dedicated to assisting individuals in pursuing their career aspirations, establishing businesses, and accessing educational opportunities in the European Union and beyond. With thousands of success stories to our credit, we continue to strive for excellence and innovation in all our endeavors.

AGS Welt is committed to fostering growth, facilitating success, and empowering individuals and businesses to achieve their full potential. Connect with us today and embark on a journey of success and prosperity.
Company Structure

AGS Welt operates through various entities, each dedicated to serving specific functions and regions:

  • AGS Welt UG (haftungsbeschränkt) in Germany:
Our main entity in Germany, specializing in recruitment, consultancy, and support services for clients in Europe and beyond.
  • AGS Welt LLC in the USA:
Our presence in the United States, offering support and solutions to individuals seeking opportunities in the American market.
  • AGS Welt Recruitment MB in Lithuania:
Our recruitment agency in Lithuania, serving clients and candidates from inside EU and outside EU.
We guarantee the provision of prompt, efficient, and exceptional services while upholding the utmost discretion. Services those I am happy to recommend.” - Managing Director 


We guarantee fast and comprehensive advice


We build on many years of experience


You can fully rely on us
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